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Minnesota Legislature passes bill on Unemployment Insurance Trust Fund, frontline worker payments

May 19, 2022 • Joo Ning Lim
Federal Budget, Federal Issues, Income and Inclusive Economy, Income and Work, Minnesota Budget, Minnesota Taxes

After months of negotiation, the Minnesota Legislature recently passed legislation that addressed three major issues of this session: Senate File… Continue reading Minnesota Legislature passes bill on Unemployment Insurance Trust Fund, frontline worker payments


Dear Congress: It’s time to pass historic investments

September 21, 2021 • Laura Mortenson
Child Care, Federal Budget, Federal Issues, Federal Taxes, Income and Inclusive Economy, Income and Work

If Congress makes the right choices, recovery legislation could lead to historic reductions in economic and racial inequality in Minnesota and across the country.


July economic update shows state will need all the tools in the toolbox

July 14, 2020 • Clark Goldenrod
Federal Issues, Minnesota Budget, Minnesota Budget Outlook, Minnesota Taxes

The state’s quarterly economic report shows that projections for the national economy have gotten even worse. While state revenues have come in a bit ahead of what was predicted in May, the state is still on track for a more than $2 billion budget shortfall for the current budget cycle.


Additional federal funding to states is time-critical

May 6, 2020 • Clark Goldenrod
Federal Budget, Federal Issues, Minnesota Budget

Federal policymakers should move quickly to direct significant additional funding to states, as well as local and tribal governments, to address the severe impacts of the public health emergency and the economic recession, and to prevent the economic downturn from getting worse.


May budget report reveals the need to support everyday folks

May 5, 2020 • Clark Goldenrod
Federal Issues, Health Care, Income and Work, Minnesota Budget, Minnesota Budget Outlook

The May budget projection will guide the decisions that policymakers make in the remaining weeks of the legislative session, and the months beyond. They remind us of how many of our neighbors are struggling, and the importance of taking swift action to reduce the hardships that Minnesotans and their families are facing as a result of the pandemic, and to start building for the economic recovery.


Increased Medicaid funding to states protects health care, critical services

May 4, 2020 • Betsy Hammer
Federal Issues, Health Care, Minnesota Budget, Minnesota Budget Outlook

While they have taken some preliminary steps, federal decision-makers should further boost the Medicaid dollars it sends to states, make that increase last until the economy recovers, and maintain strong requirements to protect health care coverage.


Bold action needed to get through crisis, build equitable recovery

May 1, 2020 • Nan Madden
Federal Budget, Federal Issues, Minnesota Budget, Minnesota Taxes

Minnesotans are doing their part. We must be able to count on Minnesota policymakers to continue to take aggressive action to meet the public health and economic security needs of everyday Minnesotans, and to draw on the resources needed to do so.


Coronavirus responses should include all our neighbors, including immigrants

April 23, 2020 • Abimael Chavez-Hernandez
Federal Issues, Health Care, Immigration, Income and Inclusive Economy

Excluding immigrant Minnesotans – who make up close to 9 percent of our state’s population – puts them and their families at risk, and it makes it more difficult for our state and communities to recover from this public health crisis.


Racial equity should be at the core of coronavirus responses

April 7, 2020 • Abimael Chavez-Hernandez
Federal Budget, Federal Issues, Health Care, Immigration, Income and Inclusive Economy, Income and Work, Minnesota Budget

Due to the impact of historical racism and ongoing forms of discrimination and bias, BIPOC communities (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) will more acutely feel the economic and health effects of this coronavirus crisis. Without attention to equity, they are more likely to be left out of the policy responses.


Policymakers must act to prevent economic hardship, deep recession

March 17, 2020 • Betsy Hammer
Child Care, Federal Budget, Federal Issues, Health Care, Income and Work, Minnesota Budget

The corona virus is creating a public health emergency and economic disruption. Policymakers should act to alleviate financial hardship and reduce the threat of a deep recession.

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