
Get involved

Learn More and Take Action!

Policies are about people. And if we want to live in a state where all can thrive, no matter who they are or where they live, then bold and just policies must be a part of the solution. It is critical that policymakers hear from all of us — concerned constituents and organizations — to lift up our diverse range of experiences, expertise, and perspectives as they work on issues that impact our families, our communities, our organizations, ourselves! Be a part of the solution for a stronger, more equitable Minnesota: raise your voice and advocate today.

Tax and Budget Basics

New to state budget and tax advocacy and want to learn more? Check out these materials.  
Content includes: 
  • Learn about Minnesota's Budget Process
  • Learn about Minnesota's Budget Process (Spanish)



Tax and Budget: Beyond the Basics

Take a deeper dive with detailed explanations about different budget processes and reports.

Content includes: 
  • How to Read the Governor's Budget
  • Minnesota's Capital Budget Explainer
  • How to Read the Health Care Access Fund Statement
  • Your Tax and Budget Toolbox



Be sure to check out all the different advocacy materials that the Minnesota Council of Nonprofits has on their website, such as:
  • Helpful Tips for Contacting Legislators
  • How to Conduct a Day on the Hill
  • Nonprofit Lobbying and the 501(h) Election
  • & more!

Visit MCN website    


Take Action!

For Organizations

Add your organization's name to urge our state to create a family-centered process for advance periodic payments of our nation-leading Child Tax Credit, enhancing its ability to improve the lives of Minnesota's families and kids.

The sign-on letter outlines design principles to ensure that families can choose what’s best for them, and that resources for successful implementation are provided.

For Individuals

To receive updates on calls-to-action and advocacy alerts, sign up for our e-newsletter:


Nonprofits can help spread the word about the Child Tax Credit

As trusted community voices, nonprofits can be an important source of information about a powerful new tax credit designed to shrink poverty and strengthen economic well-being among struggling families. In 2023, the Minnesota Budget Project and partners successfully advocated for the nation-leading Minnesota Child Tax Credit (CTC).

This year, more than one-third of Minnesota families with kids may qualify for up to $1,750 per child so that they have more cash to afford clothes, diapers, rent, and other basic expenses of raising thriving children. It’s estimated that the CTC could reduce child poverty in our state by one-third. But these tax policies will only have their full effect if people know about and apply for them by filing their income taxes this year, so nonprofit organizations are encouraged to share the information and resources below:   

Not seeing something you need?

Let us know! Contact Comms Director Laura Mortenson if there's a particular resource you're looking for that would help you in your advocacy efforts: [email protected]