
Federal Issues

Federal policy decisions in areas from health care to nutrition to the environment have a real impact on Minnesotans' daily lives. The federal government is also an important partner in funding public services at the state and local levels, and federal tax decisions influence our state tax system as well. Our analysis focuses on whether federal policies support or hinder Minnesota's progress toward building a broader prosperity for all.


July 2018

Federal funds to Minnesota are instrumental to building shared prosperity

Partnership with the federal government allows Minnesotans to have affordable health care, strong roads and transit, supports for jobs and training, and other priorities for thriving families and communities. Close to $25 billion, or 30 percent of the state’s budget, comes from the federal government.

October 2017

Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals important for Minnesota's economy and inclusive communities

About 10,000 young people in Minnesota are eligible, and 6,300 currently receive, temporary relief from deportation and work permits through the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. DACA is an important tool in building the workforce the state needs. DACA has allowed these young community members to obtain higher levels of education and more work opportunities.

November 2015

Stable status for undocumented immigrants good for economy

In Minnesota, as in the rest of the United States, immigrants play a crucial role in shaping our economy and communities. Many of the first Minnesota immigrants came from Scandinavian countries, and today families from India, Laos, Mexico and Somalia call Minnesota their home.

November 2015

President Obama's executive action on immigration would expand opportunity

Throughout our nation’s history, immigrants have come to the United States in search of opportunities to build a better life for themselves and their families. Immigrants put their skills to work, and build our workforce and revitalize communities. But federal immigration policy has not kept up with the nation’s economic needs. As a result, there are many immigrants who have strong ties in their communities, but who do not have a legal status. Many have been in the country for a long time and have children who are American citizens. Others came to the U.S. as small children and don’t recognize any other home.

Federal Issues Blog Posts

May 23, 2024

Study: How much do profitable US companies pay in federal corporate taxes?

A recent report asserts that many profitable U.S. companies pay a lower effective corporate income tax rate than the federal tax rate of 21 percent, mainly because of the loopholes that have been left in place or introduced in the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. As components of the TCJA are due to expire in 2025, policymakers should reconsider whether profitable corporations are doing their part to fund crucial public services that everyday folks across the country value and count on.

May 03, 2024

Direct File could save Minnesotans time and money when filing income taxes

Paying taxes is how we come together to fund public services that Minnesotans value and count on, but with our current system, the majority of folks pay to meet their tax-filing responsibilities. Direct File is a free online tool to file and prepare income taxes, and Minnesota can build on positive federal progress on making this option available. Read our blog to learn about how a Direct File system would benefit Minnesotans by saving time, money, and improving access to tax credits.

January 25, 2024

Proposed federal Child Tax Credit expansion would boost the incomes of millions of families

Congress is considering passing an important expansion of the federal Child Tax Credit that would benefit about 16 million children in low-income families across the US. But it's not a sure thing yet. We've included a link in the blog to email your representatives today, urging them to pass an expanded CTC and reduce poverty among the nation's children.

January 25, 2023

Child poverty declines sharply thanks to federal Child Tax Credit expansion

Thanks in part to improvements policymakers made to the federal Child Tax Credit (CTC), recent U.S. Census data show that from 2019 to 2021, child poverty fell a remarkable 59 percent. Minnesota policymakers should build on that success and create a state Child Tax Credit.

Research Focus

Black man and boy smiling sm

American Rescue Plan Resources

The federal American Rescue Plan (ARP), signed in March 2021, brought about $8.5 billion to Minnesota state and local governments. Learn more about the ARP funding streams and how Minnesota policymakers allocated these resources.  
