
Minnesota Taxes

Sound state tax policy decisions can contribute to a more equitable state economy and ensure that there are enough resources to sustainably fund schools, health care, vibrant communities, and other building blocks of a durable prosperity that includes all Minnesotans, regardless of who they are or where they live.

Minnesota Taxes and Tax Plans Research

May 2024

Advance periodic payments would make the Minnesota Child Tax Credit fit even better into family budgets

While 15 states have some form of state Child Tax Credit, Minnesota could be the first to implement a new way for families to get their Child Tax Credit: advance periodic payments. Advance periodic payments would get money in the pockets of Minnesota families sooner and more frequently during the year so they can better afford their daily lives. The 2023 tax bill allows for creation of a process for Minnesota families to choose to receive a portion of their Child Tax Credit in advance through multiple payments, instead of waiting to receive the full amount after they have filed their state income taxes. This brief covers how the advance payment process could work, its design principles, challenges, and policy responses. 

January 2024

Minnesota's policy choices move it toward the top for tax fairness in 50-state study

In an era of income inequality and growing concentration of wealth, a new 50-state study analyzes whether state tax sys...

May 2023

A Minnesota Child Tax Credit would unleash the power of the tax code to fight child poverty

Minnesota should join a growing number of states that have created Child Tax Credits, building on the remarkable success of the expanded federal Child Tax Credit in reducing child poverty and material hardship among families.

February 2023

Who Receives the Renters' Credit? (TY 2019)

By providing property tax refunds to qualifying households, Minnesota helps bring down one of the costs of housing and creates a more equitable tax system. This issue brief provides data on the impact of the Renters’ Credit in each Minnesota county and for the state as a whole.

Minnesota Taxes Blog Posts

April 15, 2021

Walz's supplemental budget calls for resources for greater investments

We have called on policymakers to take bold action to respond to the health, economic, and racial justice crises before...

January 27, 2021

Walz’s proposed budget includes strong and fair revenues

Governor Tim Walz released what he called his “COVID-19 Recovery Budget” in the context of health, economic, and state revenue crises.

October 30, 2020

October special session legislation includes first-time efforts for equity in bonding package

Minnesota policymakers passed a long-awaited infrastructure package when they convened on October 12 for their fifth...

August 10, 2020

Minnesota expecting continued revenue shortfalls; time for strong federal action

July brought us more sobering news about the ongoing damage that COVID-19 is expected to have on the economy, and by extension the state’s budget.

Tax Credits for Workers and Families Research

May 2024

Advance periodic payments would make the Minnesota Child Tax Credit fit even better into family budgets

While 15 states have some form of state Child Tax Credit, Minnesota could be the first to implement a new way for families to get their Child Tax Credit: advance periodic payments. Advance periodic payments would get money in the pockets of Minnesota families sooner and more frequently during the year so they can better afford their daily lives. The 2023 tax bill allows for creation of a process for Minnesota families to choose to receive a portion of their Child Tax Credit in advance through multiple payments, instead of waiting to receive the full amount after they have filed their state income taxes. This brief covers how the advance payment process could work, its design principles, challenges, and policy responses. 

January 2024

Who receives the Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit?

This brief takes a look at Minnesota’s Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit, which is one part of a spectrum of state investments to bring down the cost of child care, which also includes child care assistance, early learning scholarships, Head Start, and pre-K. The full version of this brief includes a table with data specific to each Minnesota county and the state as a whole.

January 2024

Who receives the Working Family Credit?

Minnesota's Working Family Tax Credit encourages and supports work, makes the tax system more equitable, and helps working people across the state to meet their basic needs and get their kids off to a strong start. This brief includes county-level information about the Working Family Credit.

January 2024

Who receives the Renters' Credit?

Minnesota's property tax refund for renters, or Renters' Credit, helps bring down one of the costs of housing and creates a more equitable tax system. This issue brief includes information about the Renters' Credit for each county and for the state as a whole.
