
Minnesota Budget Bites

Child Care

  • Income and Work
  • Child Care

Investing in our current and future workforce through Basic Sliding Fee

Ensuring more Minnesota families have affordable child care is one of our top priorities. It is no secret that child...
  • Child Care

Kids Can’t Wait Day of Action for affordable child care

All Minnesota families should be able to afford child care that meets their needs. Affordable child care allows parents ...
  • Child Care
  • Minnesota Budget
  • Minnesota Budget Outlook and Trends

February forecast’s strong surplus creates opportunity to invest

The state’s February 2015 Economic Forecast released today shows good news for three budget cycles. After years of...
  • Minnesota Tax Credits
  • Minnesota Taxes
  • Minnesota Budget Plans
  • Minnesota Budget
  • Child Care

Governor Dayton’s budget invests in children

To make Minnesota a state where every child can thrive, we must make efforts to support children directly, but also i...