
Minnesota Budget Bites

  • Income and Work
  • Health Care

New report finds Medicaid reporting requirements are a raw deal for workers

Many working adults are at risk of losing their health care under new Medicaid work reporting requirement proposals,...
  • Minnesota Budget
  • Minnesota Budget Outlook and Trends

April Economic Update shows revenues on track

The recently released April Revenue and Economic Update gave us good news about the state’s economic and budget la...
  • Income and Work

Tip penalty proposal in Minnesota House threatens economic security

The economic security of workers who receive hourly wages and tips in Minnesota is threatened by House File 4061 , which...
  • Minnesota Budget
  • Minnesota Budget Plans
  • Minnesota Budget Process
  • Transportation

Proposed constitutional amendment would undermine general fund resources and underfund transportation

Many of Minnesota’s priorities – from K-12 education, to financial aid for college students, to broadband access – are...