
Minnesota Budget Bites

  • Federal Taxes
  • Federal Issues
  • Federal Budget

Fiscally irresponsible Senate tax plan prioritizes corporate tax cut, many everyday Americans made worse off

The latest tax bill moving through Congress shares the same harmful architecture as previous versions, and it adds on ...
  • Minnesota Budget
  • Minnesota Budget Plans
  • Minnesota Budget Process

State budget adds to an uncertain future

With the state scheduled to release its latest Economic and Budget Forecast next Tuesday , it’s a good time to look back...
  • Federal Budget
  • Federal Taxes

High-income households get largest share of tax cuts, and their share gets bigger over time

The tax bill moving quickly through the U.S. House fails to do what its proponents claim: it is not focused on the...
  • Federal Budget
  • Federal Taxes

US House tax plan still fatally flawed

The tax plan released in the U.S. House yesterday retains the same basic architecture as the unified tax framework...