In the 2023 Legislative Session, policymakers passed transformative changes and investments in the things Minnesotans, their families, and communities need to thrive. Those investments also sought to break down barriers to economic security and well-being faced by communities of color, Minnesotans living on low wages, and people living in areas with less access to opportunity.
A nation-leading Child Tax Credit, statewide paid sick time, expanding affordable child care, closing gaps in health care, driver’s licenses for all… these are among the successful policies we supported in 2023 that work toward a more equitable future in which all Minnesotans are healthy, safe, and economically secure.
Our priorities for the 2024 Legislative Session build off the investments of last year and continue to focus on ensuring Minnesotans have what they need to thrive, regardless of who they are or where they live:
- Advance payments for the Child Tax Credit so families can get resources sooner to afford their expenses for raising healthy, thriving kids;
- Great Start Scholarships so more Minnesotans can find affordable child care that meets their needs, and child care providers can remain strong throughout the state;
- Strengthening access to health care, through Continuous Medicaid eligibility for adults and through a MinnesotaCare public option;
- Expanding access to free tax preparation services and support other policies that improve Minnesotans’ tax-filing experience; and
- Supporting economic policies that remove barriers that keep our Minnesota immigrant and refugee neighbors from being treated the same as other workers.
Policy Issue Contacts

Nan Madden, Director
ISSUES: Tax policy, tax credits for workers & families

Jessie Luévano, Policy Analyst
ISSUES: Affordable health care & child care