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Advance periodic payments making the Child Tax Credit better for family budgets Full Story
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2023 Child Care Budget Paves the Way for a Brighter Future Full Story
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A Minnesota Child Tax Credit would fight child poverty Full Story

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Powerful stories show child care is unaffordable for many; Great Start Scholarships are a solution

This legislative session, families, lawmakers, advocates, and more have drawn attention to child care affordability as an urgent problem that requires solutions. Earlier this session, a hearing was held at the Minnesota House of Representatives where a number of testifiers spoke to the struggles with affordability they face. Parents and providers alike are looking for policy solutions; here are a few of their stories.


In 2024 session, policymakers progress toward improving health care and child care

While 2024 was not a budget-setting year for the state, policymakers made use of the limited resources they had to build on last year’s transformational investments and took steps to set the state up for a brighter future. This year, child care affordability and affordable health care accessibility continued to rise to the top as a priority for many Minnesotans. This blog takes a look at the policy and budget decisions made this year to make affordable health care and child care available to more Minnesotans.

2024 Legislature passes improvements in Child Tax Credit, tax-filing process

The Minnesota Legislature passed some investments in Minnesota families’ economic well-being and improving their tax-filing experience in this year’s final tax legislation, including essential provisions for successful implementation of advance payments of the Child Tax Credit. Here’s a look at how our priorities for the tax bill fared this session.

Study: How much do profitable US companies pay in federal corporate taxes?

A recent report asserts that many profitable U.S. companies pay a lower effective corporate income tax rate than the federal tax rate of 21 percent, mainly because of the loopholes that have been left in place or introduced in the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. As components of the TCJA are due to expire in 2025, policymakers should reconsider whether profitable corporations are doing their part to fund crucial public services that everyday folks across the country value and count on.

About the Minnesota Budget Project

The Minnesota Budget Project is a research and advocacy organization that promotes policy solutions so that all Minnesotans have access to opportunity and economic well-being.

Established 25 years ago, the Minnesota Budget Project is a nonpartisan initiative of the Minnesota Council of Nonprofits.

Economic opportunity and prosperity should be available to all Minnesotans, regardless of who they are or where they live.

Featured Research

Advance periodic payments would make the Minnesota Child Tax Credit fit even better into family budgets

While 15 states have some form of state Child Tax Credit, Minnesota could be the first to implement a new way for families to get their Child Tax Credit: advance periodic payments. Advance periodic payments would get money in the pockets of Minnesota families sooner and more frequently during the year so they can better afford their daily lives. This brief covers how the advance payment process could work, its design principles, challenges, and policy responses.

Great Start Scholarships are an innovative policy solution for affordable child care

For families across Minnesota, child care is both too expensive and not widely available enough to meet their needs. Great Start Affordability Scholarships are a new policy solution designed to lower monthly child care costs. This issue brief looks at how they could work.

Who receives the Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit?

In 2020, more than 38,000 families received Minnesota’s Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit. Focused on low- and moderate-income families, this tax credit is one part of a spectrum of state investments to bring down the cost of child care, which also includes child care assistance, early learning scholarships, Head Start, and pre-Kindergarten.



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