10 Ways in 10 Days Seven: Invest in higher education

April 11, 2013

Day Seven of Invest in Minnesota’s 10 Ways in 10 Days campaign shows why Minnesota needs to invest in higher education and our future:

Justin Lewandowski is 24 years old and lives in Saint Cloud.

At age 18, Justin started at Saint Cloud State University with bright eyes cast toward the future.

“I fully believed in what I had been taught my entire life,” he said. “If you study hard and work your way through college, you will have endless potential.”

But by age 20, he found himself working 50 hours a week just to afford school and pay the bills while attending classes full time — and on top of that he was worried about the future job market.

Photo JustinThe financial strain and debt burden became too much, and Justin decided to put his education on hold. Today, he is still working full time and is also active in the community. He even started his own nonprofit working with local artists and musicians to grow a culture of community development through the arts.

To further his career, Justin knows he needs to go back to school. But he is afraid that the cost of college will leave him once again struggling just to make ends meet. “I see my story as the story of so many young people today. We want to be active and contribute to our communities, but too many of us are overwhelmed just trying to succeed and make ends meet juggling both work and school.”

State investments in financial aid for our public colleges and universities are critical so Justin and others can afford school and meet their full potential. In 2011, Minnesota ranked 3rd in the nation in the average graduate’s debt, which is a drag on the economy and contributes to lagging completion rates. Making higher education affordable for the next generation of Minnesotans is an investment in our future workforce – and our future community leaders.

The 10 Ways in 10 Days campaign features people from around the state who have first-hand experience with critical state services – and know their value. The campaign highlights how fairly raised revenue and state investments benefit all Minnesotans and why it’s time for policymakers to invest in prosperity for all.

About Minnesota Budget Project

The Minnesota Budget Project is a research and advocacy organization that pursues policy solutions so that all Minnesotans can thrive, regardless of who they are or where they live. Established more than 25 years ago, the Minnesota Budget Project is a nonpartisan project of the Minnesota Council of Nonprofits.

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