10 Ways in 10 Days Two: Invest in people with disabilities

April 4, 2013

of Invest in Minnesota’s 10 Ways in 10 Days campaign features Nicole Atherton of Moorhead.

Nicole Atherton is 25 years old and an active member of the Moorhead community.

Nicole does volunteer work and holds down two part-time jobs — one at a grocery store and one providing administrative support to a nonprofit serving others with disabilities.

Photo Woman holding plaqueShe is also working toward her next goal — moving into an apartment that would allow her to live more independently, and save the state money.

She doesn’t let her disability hold her back, and state-funded services for people with disabilities, including job coaching and support for independent living skills, are a major reason she can do so much.

Nicole has a bright future, thanks to the state’s investment in services that keep her healthy and maintain her many commitments.

“My goal is to use fewer services and be even more independent,” she says.

Nicole and her family understand the connection between the services she receives and the need to raise revenues to fund them. That’s why they are active in advocating both for fair revenues and services for others with disabilities, which earned Nicole an Outstanding Citizen of the Year award from the Metro Area Mayors Committee for People with Disabilities.

The 10 Ways in 10 Days campaign features people from around the state like Nicole who have first-hand experience with critical state services – and know their value. The campaign highlights how fairly raised revenue and state investments benefit all Minnesotans and why it’s time for policymakers to invest in prosperity for all.

About Minnesota Budget Project

The Minnesota Budget Project is a research and advocacy organization that pursues policy solutions so that all Minnesotans can thrive, regardless of who they are or where they live. Established more than 25 years ago, the Minnesota Budget Project is a nonpartisan project of the Minnesota Council of Nonprofits.

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