10 Ways in 10 Days Three: Invest in Seniors

April 5, 2013

Day Three of Invest in Minnesota’s 10 Ways in 10 Days campaign features a Rochester woman who relies on state investments to continue living in her home and stay out of a nursing home.

91-year-old Merle Krenzke is able to stay in her own home, thanks to her son Kevin and state investments in services for seniors.

Merle is legally blind and suffers from multiple health issues, including dementia. She is in a wheelchair and needs round-the-clock care for her basic needs, including dressing, bathing and meals.

Photo Son and elderly motherKevin has been his mother’s full-time caregiver for the last six years. He is one of thousands of Minnesotans who provide in-home care for family members under the state’s Personal Care Attendant service.

“I can give my mom so much more attention and care than she’d receive in a nursing home,” Kevin says. “It’s important to our family to keep her in her own home.”

Kevin is grateful for the state resources available to his mom. “Mom receives visits from nurses, a Lifeline alarm, and being a Personal Care Attendant allows me to stay home and take care of her,” he says.

Kevin believes additional state investments in services for people like his mom are critical.

“These services help seniors stay in their homes and save the state millions of dollars compared to the cost of nursing homes,” he says. “There’s no better investment than keeping families together and in their homes.”

The 10 Ways in 10 Days campaign features people from around the state like Merle and Kevin who have first-hand experience with critical state services – and know their value. The campaign highlights how fairly raised revenue and state investments benefit all Minnesotans and why it’s time for policymakers to invest in prosperity for all.

About Minnesota Budget Project

The Minnesota Budget Project is a research and advocacy organization that pursues policy solutions so that all Minnesotans can thrive, regardless of who they are or where they live. Established more than 25 years ago, the Minnesota Budget Project is a nonpartisan project of the Minnesota Council of Nonprofits.

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