To keep workers across the nation safe from infection with COVID-19 and stabilize household incomes, in March 2020 Congress expanded… Continue reading Unemployment Insurance supports workers, not a major cause of labor shortages
Author: Abimael Chavez-Hernandez
Policy Fellow (former),
Minnesota Budget Project
Improved UI benefits needed for a safe, equitable recovery
Unemployment insurance (UI) benefits have been a financial lifeline for many workers and their families who lost jobs during the… Continue reading Improved UI benefits needed for a safe, equitable recovery
Racial opportunity gaps persist despite prosperity for some
A national study finds that Minnesota is one of the worst states for racial disparities in economic security and opportunities… Continue reading Racial opportunity gaps persist despite prosperity for some
Economic recovery would be strengthened by immigrant-inclusive COVID response
With the onset of winter, it’s clear that the coronavirus and accompanying economic disruption will continue to be with us… Continue reading Economic recovery would be strengthened by immigrant-inclusive COVID response
Quick facts to understanding the Minneapolis Police Department budget
The killing of George Floyd in the hands of the Minneapolis Police Department sparked global protests and conversations all across the U.S.… Continue reading Quick facts to understanding the Minneapolis Police Department budget
Anti-racist principles would ensure equitable COVID recovery
Coronavirus is disproportionately harming the economic well-being and health of BIPOC communities (Black, Indigenous, People of Color). A recent report… Continue reading Anti-racist principles would ensure equitable COVID recovery
Emergency SNAP funding an essential part of an anti-racist COVID response
Millions of Americans are struggling to get enough to eat during a recession that is producing record levels of hardship.… Continue reading Emergency SNAP funding an essential part of an anti-racist COVID response
Rents are rising faster than Minnesotans’ incomes
For over a decade, unaffordable housing costs due to persistently low wages has been the reality for too many Minnesota families.
Coronavirus responses should include all our neighbors, including immigrants
Excluding immigrant Minnesotans – who make up close to 9 percent of our state’s population – puts them and their families at risk, and it makes it more difficult for our state and communities to recover from this public health crisis.
Racial equity should be at the core of coronavirus responses
Due to the impact of historical racism and ongoing forms of discrimination and bias, BIPOC communities (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) will more acutely feel the economic and health effects of this coronavirus crisis. Without attention to equity, they are more likely to be left out of the policy responses.