Federal budget resolution paves way for deep cuts to the safety net, tax cuts skewed toward the wealthy
March 12, 2025 • Haleigh Sinclair
Federal Budget
In Washington, D.C., the House and Senate have passed budget frameworks that demonstrate they are moving forward with plans to… Continue reading Federal budget resolution paves way for deep cuts to the safety net, tax cuts skewed toward the wealthy
Work reporting requirements could lead to large loss of health care coverage across Minnesota
March 7, 2025 • Jessie Luévano
Federal Budget, Federal Issues, Health Care
In Minnesota, roughly 1 million people have health care coverage through Medicaid, also known as Medical Assistance (MA).1 Nationally, about… Continue reading Work reporting requirements could lead to large loss of health care coverage across Minnesota
Inflation Reduction Act advances economic relief, tax equity, and climate response
October 25, 2022 • Joo Ning Lim
Federal Budget, Federal Issues, Federal Taxes, Health Care
The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) marks the latest federal effort to help families make ends meet while delivering transformative investments… Continue reading Inflation Reduction Act advances economic relief, tax equity, and climate response
Lack of public investment shifts costs of college education to students and families
May 23, 2022 • Joo Ning Lim
Federal Budget, Federal Issues, Minnesota Budget
Higher education is a steppingstone for many Minnesotans to further their career goals, gain advanced qualifications in their field of… Continue reading Lack of public investment shifts costs of college education to students and families
Minnesota Legislature passes bill on Unemployment Insurance Trust Fund, frontline worker payments
May 19, 2022 • Joo Ning Lim
Federal Budget, Federal Issues, Income and Inclusive Economy, Income and Work, Minnesota Budget, Minnesota Taxes
After months of negotiation, the Minnesota Legislature recently passed legislation that addressed three major issues of this session: Senate File… Continue reading Minnesota Legislature passes bill on Unemployment Insurance Trust Fund, frontline worker payments
How to find more information about how Minnesota’s American Rescue Plan funds are being used
May 3, 2022 • Sabrina Leung
Federal Budget
Thanks to the passage of the federal American Rescue Plan (ARP), some $8.5 billion is flowing to the state of… Continue reading How to find more information about how Minnesota’s American Rescue Plan funds are being used
States’ use of ARP flexible funds should prioritize a robust and equitable pandemic recovery
January 14, 2022 • Clark Goldenrod
Federal Budget, Federal Issues, Minnesota Budget
Many states, along with Washington, D.C., and Puerto Rico, have used their federal Fiscal Recovery Funds (FRF) to respond to… Continue reading States’ use of ARP flexible funds should prioritize a robust and equitable pandemic recovery
Putting American Rescue Plan dollars to work for Minnesota: Major funding sources to state and local governments
December 17, 2021 • Nan Madden
Federal Budget
Thanks to the federal American Rescue Plan (ARP) signed in March 2021, Minnesota state and local governments will receive about… Continue reading Putting American Rescue Plan dollars to work for Minnesota: Major funding sources to state and local governments
Federal tax reforms are an essential piece of building a better future
October 6, 2021 • Nan Madden
Federal Budget, Federal Issues, Federal Taxes, Income and Inclusive Economy, Income and Work
Federal policymakers are in the midst of an essential and high stakes debate about the future of our country. More… Continue reading Federal tax reforms are an essential piece of building a better future
Dear Congress: It’s time to pass historic investments
September 21, 2021 • Laura Mortenson
Child Care, Federal Budget, Federal Issues, Federal Taxes, Income and Inclusive Economy, Income and Work
If Congress makes the right choices, recovery legislation could lead to historic reductions in economic and racial inequality in Minnesota and across the country.
Affordable Care Act: Minnesota has much at stake
January 13, 2021 • Betsy Hammer
Federal Budget, Health Care
A decade ago, the Affordable Care Act – also known as the ACA or “Obamacare” – became the law of… Continue reading Affordable Care Act: Minnesota has much at stake
New data confirm states need more federal Medicaid support
August 3, 2020 • Betsy Hammer
Federal Budget, Federal Issues, Health Care, Minnesota Budget, Minnesota Budget Outlook
What does a global pandemic plus a severe economic recession equal? More people who need affordable health care. We’re seeing data… Continue reading New data confirm states need more federal Medicaid support
US Senate COVID-19 relief package falls dramatically short of what nation needs
July 28, 2020 • Laura Mortenson
Federal Budget, Federal Issues, Federal Taxes, Health Care, Income and Work, Minnesota Budget
Millions of people across the country are suffering and having a hard time just getting by. In the face of… Continue reading US Senate COVID-19 relief package falls dramatically short of what nation needs
Additional federal funding to states is time-critical
May 6, 2020 • Clark Goldenrod
Federal Budget, Federal Issues, Minnesota Budget
Federal policymakers should move quickly to direct significant additional funding to states, as well as local and tribal governments, to address the severe impacts of the public health emergency and the economic recession, and to prevent the economic downturn from getting worse.

Bold action needed to get through crisis, build equitable recovery
May 1, 2020 • Nan Madden
Federal Budget, Federal Issues, Minnesota Budget, Minnesota Taxes
Minnesotans are doing their part. We must be able to count on Minnesota policymakers to continue to take aggressive action to meet the public health and economic security needs of everyday Minnesotans, and to draw on the resources needed to do so.
Racial equity should be at the core of coronavirus responses
April 7, 2020 • Abimael Chavez-Hernandez
Federal Budget, Federal Issues, Health Care, Immigration, Income and Inclusive Economy, Income and Work, Minnesota Budget
Due to the impact of historical racism and ongoing forms of discrimination and bias, BIPOC communities (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) will more acutely feel the economic and health effects of this coronavirus crisis. Without attention to equity, they are more likely to be left out of the policy responses.
The Federal CARES Act: What’s in the economic stimulus bill, who is left out
April 3, 2020 • Nan Madden
Child Care, Federal Budget, Federal Issues, Federal Taxes, Income and Work, Minnesota Budget
We’ve called for an inclusive approach to the public health crisis and the related economic impact. While the latest federal… Continue reading The Federal CARES Act: What’s in the economic stimulus bill, who is left out
Walz and Legislature working to combat coronavirus
March 26, 2020 • Clark Goldenrod
Federal Budget, Federal Issues, Health Care, Income and Inclusive Economy, Income and Work
Even though goings on at the Capitol look a little different right now in response to the novel coronavirus, policymakers… Continue reading Walz and Legislature working to combat coronavirus
Federal stimulus plans should include everyone facing hardship
March 24, 2020 • Nan Madden
Federal Budget, Federal Issues, Federal Taxes, Income and Inclusive Economy, Income and Work
“At a time of crisis, it is much better to be generous and wide ranging than to be too targeted,”… Continue reading Federal stimulus plans should include everyone facing hardship
Policymakers must act to prevent economic hardship, deep recession
March 17, 2020 • Betsy Hammer
Child Care, Federal Budget, Federal Issues, Health Care, Income and Work, Minnesota Budget
The corona virus is creating a public health emergency and economic disruption. Policymakers should act to alleviate financial hardship and reduce the threat of a deep recession.
Federal shutdown is over – but harm hit home
March 14, 2019 • Betsy Hammer
Federal Budget, Federal Issues, Health Care
The partial federal government shutdown that began on December 22, 2018, and concluded on January 25 of this year was… Continue reading Federal shutdown is over – but harm hit home
Plans to cut federal economic security programs take aim at wrong target
September 19, 2018 • Sarah Orange
Federal Budget, Federal Issues, Health Care
Federal investments in family economic security – including stable housing, nutritious food, affordable health care, education and training, and boosting family… Continue reading Plans to cut federal economic security programs take aim at wrong target
New U.S. House budget proposal gives peek into policymakers’ vision for the future
July 16, 2018 • Sarah Orange
Federal Budget, Federal Issues, Health Care
How do you spend your money? It’s a deeply personal question – in a world of limited resources, what you choose… Continue reading New U.S. House budget proposal gives peek into policymakers’ vision for the future
Federal funds to Minnesota are instrumental to building shared prosperity
July 1, 2018 • Clark Goldenrod
Child Care, Federal Budget, Health Care, Minnesota Budget
Our state government has traditionally worked in partnership with the federal government to expand opportunity in our state. The federal… Continue reading Federal funds to Minnesota are instrumental to building shared prosperity
Thousands of Minnesotans would lose basic food support under US House proposal
August 1, 2013 • Clark Goldenrod
Federal Budget, Federal Issues
Federal Proposal Would Make Harmful and Unnecessary Changes to Food Assistance In September, the U.S. House is expected to consider… Continue reading Thousands of Minnesotans would lose basic food support under US House proposal
Federal deficit reduction: How it works and implications for Minnesota
August 1, 2011 • Minnesota Budget Project
Federal Budget, Federal Issues, Minnesota Budget
After months of intense debate, Congress passed and President Obama signed into law an increase in the federal debt ceiling.… Continue reading Federal deficit reduction: How it works and implications for Minnesota
The Pay-As-You-Go rule: A return to fiscal responsibility
September 1, 2008 • Minnesota Budget Project
Federal Budget, Federal Issues, Federal Taxes
Federal fiscal relief to Minnesota can help combat budget deficit and aid ailing economy
September 1, 2008 • Minnesota Budget Project
Federal Budget, Federal Issues, Minnesota Budget
Amid numerous signs that the U.S. economy was faltering, Congress quickly passed a $168 billion federal economic stimulus package in… Continue reading Federal fiscal relief to Minnesota can help combat budget deficit and aid ailing economy
Federal appropriations: Impact on Minnesota
September 1, 2008 • Minnesota Budget Project
Federal Budget, Federal Issues
State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP): Keeping Minnesotans healthy
September 1, 2008 • Minnesota Budget Project
Federal Budget, Federal Issues, Health Care
Why It Matters: SCHIP Keeps Minnesota’s Children and Parents Healthy Nearly 40,000 Minnesotans, including children, parents, caregivers and pregnant women,… Continue reading State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP): Keeping Minnesotans healthy
President’s proposed budget cuts would hurt Minnesotans and increase Minnesota’s budget deficit
March 1, 2008 • Minnesota Budget Project
Federal Budget, Federal Issues
Federal economic stimulus bill reaches more people, but leaves out quickest-acting measures
March 1, 2008 • Minnesota Budget Project
Federal Budget, Federal Issues, Minnesota Budget
Effective Stimulus Is Targeted, Timely and Temporary Amid numerous signs that the U.S. economy was faltering, Congress quickly took up… Continue reading Federal economic stimulus bill reaches more people, but leaves out quickest-acting measures
Congress acts to cover more kids through State Children’s Health Insurance Program
October 1, 2007 • Minnesota Budget Project
Federal Budget, Federal Issues, Health Care
What is the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP)? Since its creation by Congress in 1997, the State Children’s Health… Continue reading Congress acts to cover more kids through State Children’s Health Insurance Program
A better start for hungry families: Summary of the House Farm Bill
August 1, 2007 • Minnesota Budget Project
Federal Budget, Federal Issues
Food Stamps Provide Critical Support to Minnesota’s Families Food Stamps are the nation’s most successful anti-hunger initiative and prevent costly… Continue reading A better start for hungry families: Summary of the House Farm Bill
Fighting hunger in Minnesota: The critical role of Food Stamps
May 1, 2007 • Minnesota Budget Project
Federal Budget, Federal Issues
Food Stamps: The Nation’s Most Successful Anti-Hunger Initiative In the late 1960s, medical studies revealed that American children were dying… Continue reading Fighting hunger in Minnesota: The critical role of Food Stamps
Minnesota and the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP): At a crossroads
May 1, 2007 • Minnesota Budget Project
Federal Budget, Federal Issues, Health Care
What is the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP)? Since its creation by Congress in 1997, the State Children’s Health… Continue reading Minnesota and the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP): At a crossroads
Line-item veto proposal would give President Bush authority to cut programs
August 1, 2006 • Minnesota Budget Project
Federal Budget, Federal Issues
Impact of the President’s proposed 2007 budget on Minnesota
March 8, 2006 • Minnesota Budget Project
Child Care, Federal Budget, Federal Issues
The budget conference agreement’s impact on Minnesota
January 17, 2006 • Minnesota Budget Project
Child Care, Federal Budget, Federal Issues, Health Care
Congressional budget resolution increases deficit, cuts services for low-income Minnesotans, and cuts taxes for the wealthy
May 1, 2005 • Minnesota Budget Project
Federal Budget, Federal Issues, Health Care
Low-income Minnesotans could lose big in federal budget
March 1, 2005 • Minnesota Budget Project
Federal Budget, Federal Issues, Federal Taxes, Health Care
Each year, Congress is required by law to develop a “budget resolution” which sets limitations on spending and on tax… Continue reading Low-income Minnesotans could lose big in federal budget
President Bush’s budget would harm Minnesotans
March 1, 2005 • Minnesota Budget Project
Child Care, Federal Budget, Federal Issues
Federal budget decisions would have serious consequences for Minnesotans and the state’s fiscal health
February 1, 2005 • Minnesota Budget Project
Federal Budget, Federal Issues, Health Care
How did Minnesota use its federal fiscal relief?
February 1, 2004 • Minnesota Budget Project
Federal Budget, Federal Issues, Federal Taxes, Minnesota Budget
The Bush stimulus plan: Analysis and alternatives
March 1, 2003 • Minnesota Budget Project
Federal Budget, Federal Issues, Federal Taxes