
Stock image: Split Rock lighthouse


In 2024 session, policymakers progress toward improving health care and child care

May 29, 2024 • Jessie Luévano
Child Care, Health Care, Minnesota Budget

While 2024 was not a budget-setting year for the state, policymakers made use of the limited resources they had to build on last year’s transformational investments and took steps to set the state up for a brighter future. This blog takes a look at the policy and budget decisions made this year to make affordable health care and child care available to more Minnesotans.


Decisions in session’s final days should strengthen health care and child care for Minnesotans

May 14, 2024 • Jessie Luévano
Child Care, Health Care, Minnesota Budget

In 2023, policymakers made transformational budget investments for the well-being of Minnesotans and their families. While 2024 is not a budget-setting year for the state, there are policy decisions at play in the final days of the legislative session that could set the stage for further progress next year.


Dear Congress: It’s time to pass historic investments

September 21, 2021 • Laura Mortenson
Child Care, Federal Budget, Federal Issues, Federal Taxes, Income and Inclusive Economy, Income and Work

If Congress makes the right choices, recovery legislation could lead to historic reductions in economic and racial inequality in Minnesota and across the country.


Minnesota’s new FY 2022-23 budget takes important steps toward the recovery, falls short of transformational change

August 24, 2021 • Clark Goldenrod
Child Care, Health Care, Income and Inclusive Economy, Minnesota Budget, Minnesota Taxes

State policymakers had a critical task this legislative session: setting a state budget for the next two years that meets… Continue reading Minnesota’s new FY 2022-23 budget takes important steps toward the recovery, falls short of transformational change


Special session begins; Minnesotans call for bold action

June 15, 2020 • Clark Goldenrod
Child Care, Income and Work, Minnesota Budget

The COVID-19 crisis, and the longstanding crises in policing and racial inequity in Minnesota, have damaged our health, livelihoods, and communities. Policymakers must take bold steps to better ensure Minnesotans can stay healthy, safe, and get by economically in the immediate term, and invest in resilience in all communities for the future.


Policymakers must act to prevent economic hardship, deep recession

March 17, 2020 • Betsy Hammer
Child Care, Federal Budget, Federal Issues, Health Care, Income and Work, Minnesota Budget

The corona virus is creating a public health emergency and economic disruption. Policymakers should act to alleviate financial hardship and reduce the threat of a deep recession.

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