We’ve updated our analysis of Minnesota’s tax system to reflect the state’s new Tax Incidence Study. Unfortunately, we find that… Continue reading The need for tax reform has not changed
Author: Minnesota Budget Project
The Minnesota Budget Project is a research and advocacy organization that pursues policy solutions so that all Minnesotans can thrive, regardless of who they are or where they live. Established more than 25 years ago, the Minnesota Budget Project is a nonpartisan project of the Minnesota Council of Nonprofits.
Minnesota needs to renew investments in higher education
Minnesota has dramatically cut investments in our public universities and colleges in recent years, driving up tuition and undermining the… Continue reading Minnesota needs to renew investments in higher education
Governor Dayton’s supplemental budget remains committed to tax fairness, investments in our future
The days are getting longer and the weather is turning warmer. That’s a sign winter is changing into spring. What… Continue reading Governor Dayton’s supplemental budget remains committed to tax fairness, investments in our future
This is Minnesota’s moment to remain a leader in health care reform
Change is coming. Starting October 1, 2013, more than one million Minnesotans will have the opportunity to enroll in health… Continue reading This is Minnesota’s moment to remain a leader in health care reform
The why and how of tax reform
The time is ripe for Minnesota to reform our outdated tax system to make it fairer, end the cycle of… Continue reading The why and how of tax reform
Governor Dayton’s budget proposal part 5: Health and human services
Many Minnesotans have seen the value of public health and human services at some point in their lives, whether it’s child… Continue reading Governor Dayton’s budget proposal part 5: Health and human services
Forecast shows small improvement, but need to sustainably fund our priorities remains
This morning’s release of the February 2013 Economic Forecast means legislators can begin in earnest the challenge of setting a budget… Continue reading Forecast shows small improvement, but need to sustainably fund our priorities remains
You can’t turn a ship on a dime, but you can start to get it back on course
I sometimes think of the State of Minnesota as a ship that’s been heading in the wrong direction. We’ve spent the… Continue reading You can’t turn a ship on a dime, but you can start to get it back on course
Governor Dayton’s budget proposal part 4: Economic development, housing, assistance for low-income Minnesotans, veterans
Governor Dayton’s budget seeks to put the brakes on more than a decade of budget deficits, gimmicks and deep cuts… Continue reading Governor Dayton’s budget proposal part 4: Economic development, housing, assistance for low-income Minnesotans, veterans
Renters’ Credit by the numbers
The Renters’ Credit is an increasingly important tool for ensuring tax fairness for thousands of Minnesotans, according to our latest… Continue reading Renters’ Credit by the numbers