Minnesota Budget Project is hiring an engagement and content manager
November 13, 2023 • Laura Mortenson
The Minnesota Budget Project’s engagement and content manager plays an essential role in bringing to life through words and graphics how… Continue reading Minnesota Budget Project is hiring an engagement and content manager
Minnesota Budget Project is hiring a Research Analyst
June 27, 2023 • Laura Mortenson
We’re excited to share a full-time employment opportunity for someone to put their number-crunching chops and analytic skills toward advancing… Continue reading Minnesota Budget Project is hiring a Research Analyst
Open position: policy analyst will shape policies that advance economic and racial justice
July 26, 2022 • Laura Mortenson
The Minnesota Budget Project is hiring a policy analyst who will shape state policies that advance economic and racial justice.

Research and analysis wonk? Check out our open position
September 9, 2021 • Minnesota Budget Project
The Minnesota Budget Project team is excited to announce our search for a Research Analyst who will produce timely and credible research… Continue reading Research and analysis wonk? Check out our open position
Passionate about public policy? We’re hiring a policy analyst
July 6, 2021 • Minnesota Budget Project
The Minnesota Budget Project team is excited to announce our search for a Policy Analyst who will produce analysis, identify, and… Continue reading Passionate about public policy? We’re hiring a policy analyst

We’re hiring a research intern
April 8, 2021 • Clark Goldenrod
The Minnesota Budget Project is hiring a research intern to work with our team this summer. This internship provides an opportunity… Continue reading We’re hiring a research intern
Apply for a two-year state policy fellowship with the Minnesota Budget Project
January 23, 2019 • Minnesota Budget Project
To expand the diversity of voices that speak with authority in state policy debates, the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP)… Continue reading Apply for a two-year state policy fellowship with the Minnesota Budget Project
New report finds Medicaid reporting requirements are a raw deal for workers
April 26, 2018 • Sarah Orange
Health Care, Income and Work, Uncategorized
Many working adults are at risk of losing their health care under new Medicaid work reporting requirement proposals, according to… Continue reading New report finds Medicaid reporting requirements are a raw deal for workers
Tip penalty proposal in Minnesota House threatens economic security
April 18, 2018 • Minnesota Budget Project
The economic security of workers who receive hourly wages and tips in Minnesota is threatened by House File 4061, which was the… Continue reading Tip penalty proposal in Minnesota House threatens economic security
Proposed constitutional amendment would undermine general fund resources and underfund transportation
April 11, 2018 • Minnesota Budget Project
Many of Minnesota’s priorities – from K-12 education, to financial aid for college students, to broadband access – are paid… Continue reading Proposed constitutional amendment would undermine general fund resources and underfund transportation
Families with children could pay higher taxes under tax conformity
March 28, 2018 • Minnesota Budget Project
The complex set of tax changes in the recent federal tax bill creates a set of challenging decisions for states like Minnesota.… Continue reading Families with children could pay higher taxes under tax conformity
Governor Dayton’s proposed supplemental budget makes investments in education, health and human services, economic development, saves for the future
March 26, 2018 • Minnesota Budget Project
Governor Mark Dayton released his FY 2018-19 supplemental budget proposal today, focused on making strategic investments to support Minnesota’s economic success, prioritizing working… Continue reading Governor Dayton’s proposed supplemental budget makes investments in education, health and human services, economic development, saves for the future
As rising rents outstrip Minnesotans’ incomes, affordability policies are under threat
March 13, 2018 • Minnesota Budget Project
A full-time worker needs to earn $18.60 an hour to afford a modest two-bedroom apartment in Minnesota. That’s up from $17.76… Continue reading As rising rents outstrip Minnesotans’ incomes, affordability policies are under threat
Investment in child care is a critical investment in Minnesota’s workforce
March 7, 2018 • Minnesota Budget Project
Our state’s economy has been vibrant for the past several years, and a significant factor in this success is our… Continue reading Investment in child care is a critical investment in Minnesota’s workforce
February forecast brings welcome news, but uncertainty still reigns
February 28, 2018 • Minnesota Budget Project
Today the state’s Minnesota Management and Budget released the February Budget and Economic Forecast. The February forecast compares what the state would be… Continue reading February forecast brings welcome news, but uncertainty still reigns
Trump’s budget would pay for tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations by cutting supports for struggling Americans
February 20, 2018 • Minnesota Budget Project
Last week, President Donald Trump laid out his vision for the country in his FY 2019 proposed budget. Just a short… Continue reading Trump’s budget would pay for tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations by cutting supports for struggling Americans
New Medicaid requirements will create barriers to health care
February 13, 2018 • Minnesota Budget Project
Since its origin in 1965, Medicaid has stood as America’s promise to care for our neighbors and loved ones, providing… Continue reading New Medicaid requirements will create barriers to health care
Minnesota’s budget reserve an important source of stability in tough times
January 18, 2018 • Minnesota Budget Project
This fall, the state’s November Budget and Economic Forecast projected a slight state budget deficit for the remainder of the FY 2018-19… Continue reading Minnesota’s budget reserve an important source of stability in tough times
Minnesota’s January economic update shows welcome news for revenues and economy
January 17, 2018 • Minnesota Budget Project
The recently released January Revenue and Economic Update gave us somewhat welcome news about the state’s economic and budget landscape. The quarterly report… Continue reading Minnesota’s January economic update shows welcome news for revenues and economy
4 Reasons DACA should be restored ASAP
December 18, 2017 • Minnesota Budget Project
Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) has improved about 800,000 lives in the United States, and 6,300 in Minnesota. However,… Continue reading 4 Reasons DACA should be restored ASAP
State of Working Minnesota: Low-wage workers still struggling in the economy with stagnant wages
December 11, 2017 • Minnesota Budget Project
Minnesota has experienced a fairly strong economic recovery since the Great Recession, with low overall unemployment and a growing economy.… Continue reading State of Working Minnesota: Low-wage workers still struggling in the economy with stagnant wages
US Senate tax bill would cause millions to lose affordable health care, proposed “fixes” wouldn’t undo the harm
December 7, 2017 • Minnesota Budget Project
The Senate tax bill includes changes in health care policy that would result in 13 million fewer Americans having health insurance and… Continue reading US Senate tax bill would cause millions to lose affordable health care, proposed “fixes” wouldn’t undo the harm
Minnesota’s November budget forecast shows deficits amid high uncertainty
December 5, 2017 • Minnesota Budget Project
Predicting the future is a tricky business, especially in uncertain times. But nonetheless today’s state budget and economic forecast is… Continue reading Minnesota’s November budget forecast shows deficits amid high uncertainty
Rankings of state “business climate” are misleading, fall short of actual measures
December 4, 2017 • Minnesota Budget Project
Note: I had the opportunity to see Dr. Peter Fisher present on state business climate rankings at the recent Minnesota… Continue reading Rankings of state “business climate” are misleading, fall short of actual measures
Senate tax bill harmful, irresponsible
December 4, 2017 • Minnesota Budget Project
Minnesota Budget Project Director Nan Madden’s public statement on the Senate tax bill passed last week: I’m extremely disappointed, and frankly… Continue reading Senate tax bill harmful, irresponsible
Child Tax Credit in Senate tax bill provides minimal benefits to working families, harms immigrant families
November 29, 2017 • Minnesota Budget Project
The U.S. Senate is currently considering a tax bill that would provide the largest tax benefits to those already doing well in… Continue reading Child Tax Credit in Senate tax bill provides minimal benefits to working families, harms immigrant families
State budget adds to an uncertain future
November 27, 2017 • Minnesota Budget Project
With the state scheduled to release its latest Economic and Budget Forecast next Tuesday, it’s a good time to look back… Continue reading State budget adds to an uncertain future
Fiscally irresponsible Senate tax plan prioritizes corporate tax cut, many everyday Americans made worse off
November 27, 2017 • Minnesota Budget Project
The latest tax bill moving through Congress shares the same harmful architecture as previous versions, and it adds on the… Continue reading Fiscally irresponsible Senate tax plan prioritizes corporate tax cut, many everyday Americans made worse off
High-income households get largest share of tax cuts, and their share gets bigger over time
November 10, 2017 • Minnesota Budget Project
The tax bill moving quickly through the U.S. House fails to do what its proponents claim: it is not focused… Continue reading High-income households get largest share of tax cuts, and their share gets bigger over time
US House tax plan still fatally flawed
November 3, 2017 • Minnesota Budget Project
The tax plan released in the U.S. House yesterday retains the same basic architecture as the unified tax frameworkpreviously released, and… Continue reading US House tax plan still fatally flawed
Senate Budget Resolution: Different package, same bad news
October 23, 2017 • Minnesota Budget Project
The U.S. Senate’s budget plan calls for deep cuts in supports that low- and middle-income Minnesotans count on and would likely shift… Continue reading Senate Budget Resolution: Different package, same bad news
Many Minnesotans struggle to make ends meet while others prosper
October 18, 2017 • Minnesota Budget Project
Income inequality has gotten worse in Minnesota – and every state – over the past 50 years, and the highest-income… Continue reading Many Minnesotans struggle to make ends meet while others prosper
October Economic Update shows state revenues and expected economic growth down
October 12, 2017 • Minnesota Budget Project
This week’s October Revenue and Economic Update gave us somewhat unwelcome news about the state’s economic and budget landscape. The quarterly report from… Continue reading October Economic Update shows state revenues and expected economic growth down
Minnesota’s Health and Human Services budget deal puts state fiscal stability at risk
October 9, 2017 • Minnesota Budget Project
Minnesota legislators put both the state’s balanced budget and Minnesotans’ health at risk with the Health and Human Services budget bill… Continue reading Minnesota’s Health and Human Services budget deal puts state fiscal stability at risk
Most of federal framework’s tax cuts go to top 1 percent
October 5, 2017 • Minnesota Budget Project
The federal tax framework released last week fails to prioritize our nation’s working families. Instead, it would provide most of its tax… Continue reading Most of federal framework’s tax cuts go to top 1 percent
Census: Incomes on the rise, but many still struggle to get ahead
September 14, 2017 • Minnesota Budget Project
New data from the Census released today show the nation’s economic recovery is boosting incomes and reducing hardship, including in Minnesota.… Continue reading Census: Incomes on the rise, but many still struggle to get ahead
New Census data highlight what’s at risk from federal health care threats
September 12, 2017 • Minnesota Budget Project
The share of Minnesotans covered by health insurance is historically high, according to new U.S. Census data released today. Minnesota was… Continue reading New Census data highlight what’s at risk from federal health care threats
Cassidy-Graham: Different lipstick, same pig
September 6, 2017 • Minnesota Budget Project
U.S. Senators are reportedly still considering a health care bill that would leave millions of Americans uninsured, eliminate protections for expectant mothers and… Continue reading Cassidy-Graham: Different lipstick, same pig
Opportunity out of reach for some communities in Minnesota
August 10, 2017 • Minnesota Budget Project
Too many families face persistent financial insecurity, and the situation is often much worse for Minnesota’s households of color. That’s from… Continue reading Opportunity out of reach for some communities in Minnesota
US Senate votes mean Medicaid and affordable health insurance for millions of Americans are preserved for now
August 10, 2017 • Minnesota Budget Project
Several proposals to radically alter health insurance for the worse failed in the U.S. Senate last month. Congress should now turn… Continue reading US Senate votes mean Medicaid and affordable health insurance for millions of Americans are preserved for now
US House budget: Trading access to health care, SNAP for tax cuts for wealthy, defense spending
August 9, 2017 • Minnesota Budget Project
The U.S. House has released their budget resolution – or the framework they propose to use to pass a budget… Continue reading US House budget: Trading access to health care, SNAP for tax cuts for wealthy, defense spending
U.S. Senate still considering harmful health care bills
July 21, 2017 • Minnesota Budget Project
Republicans in the U.S. Senate are reportedly working on health care legislation that could come up for a vote as… Continue reading U.S. Senate still considering harmful health care bills
Minnesota’s July Economic Update shows slightly lower revenues, economic growth on track
July 12, 2017 • Minnesota Budget Project
This week’s July Revenue and Economic Update gave us mixed news about the state’s economic and budget landscape. The quarterly report… Continue reading Minnesota’s July Economic Update shows slightly lower revenues, economic growth on track
Takeaways from U.S. Senate health care proposal: 22 million more uninsured, higher costs for many
July 6, 2017 • Minnesota Budget Project
On June 22, Republicans in the U.S. Senate revealed their Better Care Reconciliation Act (BCRA) proposal to “repeal and replace”… Continue reading Takeaways from U.S. Senate health care proposal: 22 million more uninsured, higher costs for many
DACA recipients make important tax contributions to Minnesota
June 22, 2017 • Minnesota Budget Project
Minnesota’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival (DACA) recipients pay an estimated $15 million in state and local taxes, according to a report… Continue reading DACA recipients make important tax contributions to Minnesota
Republicans’ federal health care bill devastating to Minnesotans, would shift significant responsibility to the state
June 19, 2017 • Minnesota Budget Project
Minnesota’s costs to ensure health care for a particular group of Minnesotans would increase by 228 percent in 2021 if… Continue reading Republicans’ federal health care bill devastating to Minnesotans, would shift significant responsibility to the state
Threats to Medicaid are a threat to Minnesota newborns, seniors, and everyone in-between
May 31, 2017 • Minnesota Budget Project
For more than 50 years, Medicaid has played a crucial role in the American health insurance landscape. In Minnesota, this state-federal… Continue reading Threats to Medicaid are a threat to Minnesota newborns, seniors, and everyone in-between
President Trump’s budget proposal hurts people, communities, Minnesota
May 23, 2017 • Minnesota Budget Project
President Donald Trump’s budget proposal hurts our nation’s families, communities, and state and local finances. It undermines basic tenets of… Continue reading President Trump’s budget proposal hurts people, communities, Minnesota
Legislature’s Health and Human Services bill makes drastic cuts to health care for families and children, relies on gimmicks
May 18, 2017 • Minnesota Budget Project
On May 9, the Minnesota Legislature passed a Health and Human Services (HHS) omnibus bill that reduces general fund spending on HHS… Continue reading Legislature’s Health and Human Services bill makes drastic cuts to health care for families and children, relies on gimmicks
Balanced tax bill should be the goal; Legislature’s tax bill has a ways to go
May 17, 2017 • Minnesota Budget Project
There’s more to be done to get to a tax bill that takes a balanced approach between tax cuts and… Continue reading Balanced tax bill should be the goal; Legislature’s tax bill has a ways to go