Policymakers should do more for workers with disabilities

House and Senate bills take different approaches to human services and health care Supports for workers who care for elderly… Continue reading Policymakers should do more for workers with disabilities

All tax plans on the table raise revenues: the difference is how much and who benefits

The negotiations to reach a budget deal this session have at times been characterized as a debate between raising taxes… Continue reading All tax plans on the table raise revenues: the difference is how much and who benefits

A tale of two HHS omnibus bills: House and Senate offer dramatically different visions

The Minnesota House and Senate have wrapped up committee work on their omnibus budget bills. They present starkly opposed visions… Continue reading A tale of two HHS omnibus bills: House and Senate offer dramatically different visions

Walz-Flanagan human services budget proposal focuses on people

Governor Tim Walz’s budget proposes over $300 million in new health and human services investments to help Minnesotans stay healthy… Continue reading Walz-Flanagan human services budget proposal focuses on people

Nibbling around the edges: The Legislature’s Health and Human Services proposals fail to fully address critical issues

With just over a week left in the legislative session, lawmakers have finalized their supplemental proposals for the state’s health and… Continue reading Nibbling around the edges: The Legislature’s Health and Human Services proposals fail to fully address critical issues