Newest state revenue update affirms substantial resources are available to build an equitable recovery

The state of Minnesota’s revenue picture continues to improve, but the national economic recovery is expected to be a little… Continue reading Newest state revenue update affirms substantial resources are available to build an equitable recovery

July economic update shows state will need all the tools in the toolbox

The state’s quarterly economic report shows that projections for the national economy have gotten even worse. While state revenues have come in a bit ahead of what was predicted in May, the state is still on track for a more than $2 billion budget shortfall for the current budget cycle.

Minnesota’s April economic update

It’s a bigger deal than usual, but doesn’t yet have all the answers: The April Revenue and Economic Update is a first look at the economic and fiscal impacts of the coronavirus crisis in Minnesota. The quarterly report from Minnesota Management and Budget (MMB) shows that state revenues have dropped considerably and the national economy has likely fallen into recession.

Positive budget surplus is coupled with caution

Minnesota’s positive budget balance coupled with continued modest economic growth give us short-term good news, however it also gives reasons for caution, with only a small structural balance in the next budget cycle before accounting for inflation and slowing economic growth in the future.