Governor Walz’s FY 2020-21 budget proposals in E-12 education and higher ed invest more in Minnesota’s students

Governor Tim Walz’s FY 2020-21 budget proposal includes provisions that support students across the state, as well as more targeted funding intended to… Continue reading Governor Walz’s FY 2020-21 budget proposals in E-12 education and higher ed invest more in Minnesota’s students

Governor Walz’s FY 2020-21 transportation proposal increases gas tax and other revenues to pay for Minnesota’s roads and transit

Governor Tim Walz’s FY 2020-21 budget proposal includes a substantial transportation component. Minnesotans count on their roadways to get to work,… Continue reading Governor Walz’s FY 2020-21 transportation proposal increases gas tax and other revenues to pay for Minnesota’s roads and transit

Walz tax plan expands Working Family Credit, funds investments in schools and communities

Narrowly defined, the primary responsibility for policymakers this legislative session is to pass the state’s next two-year budget. But more… Continue reading Walz tax plan expands Working Family Credit, funds investments in schools and communities

Provider tax: The proven way to fund affordable health care for Minnesotans

Minnesota’s provider tax is a proven and time-tested way to ensure Minnesotans have affordable health care. In contrast, the state of Michigan experimented with a few types of health-related taxes, and discovered various problems with these alternative sources – including insufficient revenues and problems with federal regulations.

Governor Walz’s revised budget raises additional revenues, adjusts spending to build shared prosperity

Governor Tim Walz’s revised budget retains the Walz/Flanagan administration’s “One Minnesota” priorities, and augments the surplus by maintaining and raising revenues to invest in health care, education, broader economic opportunity, and transportation.

Governor’s budget proposal makes major investments in housing, workforce, local communities

Governor Tim Walz’s budget makes significant investments in housing, workforce development, economic development, and local communities. These proposed changes would… Continue reading Governor’s budget proposal makes major investments in housing, workforce, local communities