New data confirm states need more federal Medicaid support
August 3, 2020 • Betsy Hammer
Federal Budget, Federal Issues, Health Care, Minnesota Budget, Minnesota Budget Outlook
What does a global pandemic plus a severe economic recession equal? More people who need affordable health care. We’re seeing data… Continue reading New data confirm states need more federal Medicaid support
US Senate COVID-19 relief package falls dramatically short of what nation needs
July 28, 2020 • Laura Mortenson
Federal Budget, Federal Issues, Federal Taxes, Health Care, Income and Work, Minnesota Budget
Millions of people across the country are suffering and having a hard time just getting by. In the face of… Continue reading US Senate COVID-19 relief package falls dramatically short of what nation needs
July economic update shows state will need all the tools in the toolbox
July 14, 2020 • Clark Goldenrod
Federal Issues, Minnesota Budget, Minnesota Budget Outlook, Minnesota Taxes
The state’s quarterly economic report shows that projections for the national economy have gotten even worse. While state revenues have come in a bit ahead of what was predicted in May, the state is still on track for a more than $2 billion budget shortfall for the current budget cycle.
Bonnie Tyler wasn’t wrong: We need a HERO
July 9, 2020 • Betsy Hammer
Federal Issues, Health Care, Income and Work
The HEROES (Health and Economic Recovery Omnibus Emergency Solutions) Act proposal is a needed Congressional effort to address the ongoing… Continue reading Bonnie Tyler wasn’t wrong: We need a HERO
Special session victory: common-sense approaches reduce barriers during pandemic
July 7, 2020 • Betsy Hammer
Health Care, Income and Work
Common-sense measures to remove barriers to health care, food support, and other needed services will continue, thanks to legislation passed in the June special legislative session.
Work remains to advance health, safety, and economic security
July 2, 2020 • Clark Goldenrod
Child Care, Health Care, Income and Work, Minnesota Budget
What did and did not happen in the June special session to address Minnesotans’ health, safety, and economic priorities?
Special session begins; Minnesotans call for bold action
June 15, 2020 • Clark Goldenrod
Child Care, Income and Work, Minnesota Budget
The COVID-19 crisis, and the longstanding crises in policing and racial inequity in Minnesota, have damaged our health, livelihoods, and communities. Policymakers must take bold steps to better ensure Minnesotans can stay healthy, safe, and get by economically in the immediate term, and invest in resilience in all communities for the future.
Rents are rising faster than Minnesotans’ incomes
May 11, 2020 • Abimael Chavez-Hernandez
Income and Inclusive Economy, Income and Work
For over a decade, unaffordable housing costs due to persistently low wages has been the reality for too many Minnesota families.
Additional federal funding to states is time-critical
May 6, 2020 • Clark Goldenrod
Federal Budget, Federal Issues, Minnesota Budget
Federal policymakers should move quickly to direct significant additional funding to states, as well as local and tribal governments, to address the severe impacts of the public health emergency and the economic recession, and to prevent the economic downturn from getting worse.
May budget report reveals the need to support everyday folks
May 5, 2020 • Clark Goldenrod
Federal Issues, Health Care, Income and Work, Minnesota Budget, Minnesota Budget Outlook
The May budget projection will guide the decisions that policymakers make in the remaining weeks of the legislative session, and the months beyond. They remind us of how many of our neighbors are struggling, and the importance of taking swift action to reduce the hardships that Minnesotans and their families are facing as a result of the pandemic, and to start building for the economic recovery.
Increased Medicaid funding to states protects health care, critical services
May 4, 2020 • Betsy Hammer
Federal Issues, Health Care, Minnesota Budget, Minnesota Budget Outlook
While they have taken some preliminary steps, federal decision-makers should further boost the Medicaid dollars it sends to states, make that increase last until the economy recovers, and maintain strong requirements to protect health care coverage.
Bold action needed to get through crisis, build equitable recovery
May 1, 2020 • Nan Madden
Federal Budget, Federal Issues, Minnesota Budget, Minnesota Taxes
Minnesotans are doing their part. We must be able to count on Minnesota policymakers to continue to take aggressive action to meet the public health and economic security needs of everyday Minnesotans, and to draw on the resources needed to do so.
April economic changes bring May budget projections
April 29, 2020 • Betsy Hammer
Minnesota Budget, Minnesota Budget Outlook
The novel coronavirus pandemic is having a significant effect on Minnesotans’ physical and mental health of Minnesotans. Unprecedented businesses closures… Continue reading April economic changes bring May budget projections
Coronavirus responses should include all our neighbors, including immigrants
April 23, 2020 • Abimael Chavez-Hernandez
Federal Issues, Health Care, Immigration, Income and Inclusive Economy
Excluding immigrant Minnesotans – who make up close to 9 percent of our state’s population – puts them and their families at risk, and it makes it more difficult for our state and communities to recover from this public health crisis.
Minnesota’s April economic update
April 14, 2020 • Clark Goldenrod
Minnesota Budget, Minnesota Budget Outlook
It’s a bigger deal than usual, but doesn’t yet have all the answers: The April Revenue and Economic Update is a first look at the economic and fiscal impacts of the coronavirus crisis in Minnesota. The quarterly report from Minnesota Management and Budget (MMB) shows that state revenues have dropped considerably and the national economy has likely fallen into recession.
Racial equity should be at the core of coronavirus responses
April 7, 2020 • Abimael Chavez-Hernandez
Federal Budget, Federal Issues, Health Care, Immigration, Income and Inclusive Economy, Income and Work, Minnesota Budget
Due to the impact of historical racism and ongoing forms of discrimination and bias, BIPOC communities (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) will more acutely feel the economic and health effects of this coronavirus crisis. Without attention to equity, they are more likely to be left out of the policy responses.
The Federal CARES Act: What’s in the economic stimulus bill, who is left out
April 3, 2020 • Nan Madden
Child Care, Federal Budget, Federal Issues, Federal Taxes, Income and Work, Minnesota Budget
We’ve called for an inclusive approach to the public health crisis and the related economic impact. While the latest federal… Continue reading The Federal CARES Act: What’s in the economic stimulus bill, who is left out
Minnesota Legislature takes additional action on COVID-19
April 1, 2020 • Betsy Hammer
Child Care, Income and Inclusive Economy, Income and Work, Minnesota Budget
Minnesotans are collectively facing an unprecedented global pandemic and a statewide stay-in-place order to help stem the spread of COVID-19. The Minnesota Legislature approved additional health… Continue reading Minnesota Legislature takes additional action on COVID-19
Governor Walz’s supplemental budget request focuses on pandemic response
March 27, 2020 • Betsy Hammer
Income and Inclusive Economy, Income and Work, Minnesota Budget
Governor Tim Walz rolled out a revised supplemental budget proposal on March 22 that includes an additional $356 million to fund the state response… Continue reading Governor Walz’s supplemental budget request focuses on pandemic response
Walz and Legislature working to combat coronavirus
March 26, 2020 • Clark Goldenrod
Federal Budget, Federal Issues, Health Care, Income and Inclusive Economy, Income and Work
Even though goings on at the Capitol look a little different right now in response to the novel coronavirus, policymakers… Continue reading Walz and Legislature working to combat coronavirus
A look at the first federal policy steps to combat coronavirus, address economic impact
March 26, 2020 • Clark Goldenrod
Child Care, Health Care, Income and Inclusive Economy, Income and Work, Minnesota Budget
The federal government has begun to respond to the coronavirus with legislation over the past few weeks. The first was… Continue reading A look at the first federal policy steps to combat coronavirus, address economic impact
Minnesota moderately well prepared to respond to looming recession
March 25, 2020 • Clark Goldenrod
Health Care, Immigration, Income and Inclusive Economy, Income and Work, Minnesota Budget
As we grapple with a rapidly changing economy due to the coronavirus and an all but certain recession, a new… Continue reading Minnesota moderately well prepared to respond to looming recession
Federal stimulus plans should include everyone facing hardship
March 24, 2020 • Nan Madden
Federal Budget, Federal Issues, Federal Taxes, Income and Inclusive Economy, Income and Work
“At a time of crisis, it is much better to be generous and wide ranging than to be too targeted,”… Continue reading Federal stimulus plans should include everyone facing hardship
Policymakers must act to prevent economic hardship, deep recession
March 17, 2020 • Betsy Hammer
Child Care, Federal Budget, Federal Issues, Health Care, Income and Work, Minnesota Budget
The corona virus is creating a public health emergency and economic disruption. Policymakers should act to alleviate financial hardship and reduce the threat of a deep recession.
Caution, savings in Governor Walz’s proposed budget
March 12, 2020 • Clark Goldenrod
Minnesota Budget
Governor Tim Walz’s FY 2020-21 supplemental budget proposal released today focuses on passing a significant capital investment or bonding package and making small,… Continue reading Caution, savings in Governor Walz’s proposed budget
Positive budget surplus is coupled with caution
February 27, 2020 • Clark Goldenrod
Minnesota Budget, Minnesota Budget Outlook
Minnesota’s positive budget balance coupled with continued modest economic growth give us short-term good news, however it also gives reasons for caution, with only a small structural balance in the next budget cycle before accounting for inflation and slowing economic growth in the future.
High rankings on health outcomes mask distressing racial disparities
February 10, 2020 • Betsy Hammer
Health Care
Minnesota’s overall high rank among states for various health outcomes masks worst-in-the-nation disparities. We must focus on addressing racial disparities and improving health equity to make Minnesota a state where everyone can live their healthiest lives.
Legislative Budget Office will make its debut in upcoming session
January 28, 2020 • Betsy Hammer
Minnesota Budget
The 2020 Legislative Session will involve a new player: the Legislative Budget Office, or LBO. The LBO will be responsible for producing fiscal notes, working in concert with state agencies to estimate the fiscal impact of proposed legislation
January economic outlook is brighter
January 27, 2020 • Clark Goldenrod
Minnesota Budget, Minnesota Budget Outlook
January’s Economic Update brought us good short-term news: revenues are up, and the economy is growing at a good pace for now. However, with slower economic growth and potential for a recession on the horizon, policymakers should prioritize a strong budget reserve to be able to meet Minnesotans’ needs in future tough times.
Minnesota’s November budget forecast offers some near-term good news, while pointing to the need for sustained revenues for investments
December 5, 2019 • Clark Goldenrod
Minnesota Budget, Minnesota Budget Outlook
Minnesota’s budget reserve is strengthened and the state’s budget outlook gives us short-term good news, according to today’s release of the November Budget and Economic Forecast by Minnesota Management and Budget.
New research demonstrates unequivocally: Medicaid works, and work reporting requirements do not
November 25, 2019 • Betsy Hammer
Health Care
New research illustrates just how effective Medicaid is in improving peoples’ health, and just how dangerous limitations to access can be.
Minnesota’s budget reserve is strong, let’s keep it strong
November 7, 2019 • Clark Goldenrod
Minnesota Budget, Minnesota Budget Outlook
Every year, Minnesota Management and Budget gives Minnesotans an estimate of what the state needs in its “rainy day” fund… Continue reading Minnesota’s budget reserve is strong, let’s keep it strong
Census 2020: It’s a big deal
October 23, 2019 • Betsy Hammer
Federal Issues
Here at the Minnesota Budget Project, we rely on the Census Bureau and its excellent data because it helps us… Continue reading Census 2020: It’s a big deal
Minnesota’s October Economic Update shows good news for revenues, but the future’s not all roses
October 22, 2019 • Clark Goldenrod
Minnesota Budget, Minnesota Budget Outlook
The recently released October Revenue and Economic Update gave us some improved news about the state’s economic and budget landscape. The quarterly… Continue reading Minnesota’s October Economic Update shows good news for revenues, but the future’s not all roses
Census data illustrate opportunity gaps
October 17, 2019 • Betsy Hammer
Income and Inclusive Economy, Income and Work
Even in this relatively strong economy, nearly 1 in 10 Minnesotans find that lack of good paying jobs, challenging transportation obstacles, and other barriers make it hard to afford the essentials, much less get ahead.
New Census data shows some positive trends, but not everyone benefits
September 10, 2019 • Betsy Hammer
Federal Issues, Health Care, Income and Inclusive Economy, Income and Work
The Census Bureau released new data today showing a 0.5 percent reduction in national poverty rates, making 2018 the fourth… Continue reading New Census data shows some positive trends, but not everyone benefits
Minnesota has lots of opportunities to support immigrants, strengthen economy, according to new report
September 5, 2019 • Clark Goldenrod
Immigration, Income and Inclusive Economy, Income and Work
During a time when immigrants are being targeted by harsh federal policies, states have a unique role to play to… Continue reading Minnesota has lots of opportunities to support immigrants, strengthen economy, according to new report
Trump administration continues assault on New Americans with new rule
August 21, 2019 • Clark Goldenrod
Federal Issues, Immigration
A new “public charge” policy would make it harder for New Americans to keep their families together and puts new roadblocks on their path to citizenship.
Final transportation budget bill falls short of meeting the needs of Minnesotans
August 12, 2019 • Clark Goldenrod
Minnesota Budget
Despite several proposals put forward this legislative session to increase the amount of resources dedicated to building and maintaining Minnesota’s roads, bridges, and transit infrastructure, the FY 2020-21 budget only raises minimal additional revenues.
Minnesota’s July Economic Update shows higher revenues, economic growth for now
July 12, 2019 • Clark Goldenrod
Minnesota Budget, Minnesota Budget Outlook
The recently released July Revenue and Economic Update gave us somewhat good news about the state’s economic and budget landscape.
Final education budget makes important investments, but leaves more to do to support all Minnesota students
July 3, 2019 • Clark Goldenrod
Minnesota Budget
The final E-12 education and higher education budgets for FY 2020-21 make important strides toward ensuring that more students across… Continue reading Final education budget makes important investments, but leaves more to do to support all Minnesota students
Raiding the state’s budget reserve today could hurt everyday Minnesotans tomorrow
July 2, 2019 • Clark Goldenrod
Minnesota Budget, Minnesota Budget Outlook
It’s imperative to build a strong budget reserve when the state’s economic outlook is good, and Minnesota has made laudable progress. But that budget reserve will only work if we keep it strong and only use it when it’s needed.
Final tax plan boosts tax credits for working Minnesotans, but falls short on future stability
June 24, 2019 • Nan Madden
Minnesota Taxes, Tax Credits for Minnesotans and Families
The 2019 tax bill agreed to by Governor Tim Walz and the Minnesota Legislature in the recently completed special legislative session includes both important hits and worrisome misses.
Critical funding for health care preserved but small gains in support for families
June 19, 2019 • Betsy Hammer
Child Care, Health Care, Minnesota Budget
Overall, the final HHS budget agreement is a mixed bag for Minnesotans.
Global budget deal reached Sunday; more work needed to pass final budget
May 21, 2019 • Clark Goldenrod
Health Care, Minnesota Budget, Minnesota Taxes
On Sunday evening after weeks of negotiations, legislative leaders and Governor Tim Walz announced a global budget deal. This deal… Continue reading Global budget deal reached Sunday; more work needed to pass final budget
All tax plans on the table raise revenues: the difference is how much and who benefits
May 17, 2019 • Nan Madden
Minnesota Budget, Minnesota Taxes, Tax Credits for Minnesotans and Families
The negotiations to reach a budget deal this session have at times been characterized as a debate between raising taxes… Continue reading All tax plans on the table raise revenues: the difference is how much and who benefits
New data tool allows everyone to find local data about impact of health care, provider tax
May 15, 2019 • Betsy Hammer
Health Care
The Minnesota Department of Human Services (DHS) rolled out powerful new web-based tools chock-full of data about health care. The… Continue reading New data tool allows everyone to find local data about impact of health care, provider tax
Affordable child care: Good for all
May 9, 2019 • Betsy Hammer
Child Care, Minnesota Budget
At this point in the legislative session, there’s a lot of attention to the negotiations about budget numbers. Those are… Continue reading Affordable child care: Good for all
Real people, real communities: Why maintaining the provider tax is so important
May 6, 2019 • Betsy Hammer
Health Care, Minnesota Budget, Minnesota Taxes
It’s hard to avoid news about the health care provider tax if you follow politics in Minnesota. Our state’s provider… Continue reading Real people, real communities: Why maintaining the provider tax is so important
Driver’s licenses regardless of immigration status is good for Minnesotans, good for the economy
May 6, 2019 • Clark Goldenrod
Immigration, Income and Inclusive Economy, Minnesota Budget
The Minnesota House passed expanded access to driver’s licenses regardless of immigration status as part of their omnibus transportation budget bill.